Prices are based on condition of Poor, Average, Good, Very Good & Mint to understand this you will need to know how to grade them. Retail prices based on experience of the market place 2016/17
- Dog – Badly restored, out of plane, married up parts
- Poor – Rusty, pitting, poor visually
- Average – Reasonable used condition
- Good – Refurbished, where standards vary considerably.
- Very Good – Very little use and unrestored
- Mint – Untouched boxed examples
Price range depends on model origin and age.
Stanley No: 4 £1-2 £2-5 £12-15 £ 20-35 £25-45 £30-60+
Stanley No: 4 1/2 £2-3 £3-7 £15-25 £30-55 £40-55 £45-75+
Record No: 4 £1-2 £2-5 £12-15 £ 20-35 £25-40 £30-50+
Record No: 4 1/2 £2-3 £3-6 £12-20 £25-45 £35-45 £40-65+
Marples No: M4 £1-3 £2-5 £12-15 £20-40 £35-50 £40-60+
Marples No: M4 1/2 £1-3 £3-6 £12-20 £25-45 £35-45 £40-65+
M Falls No: 9 £2-3 £3-6 £12-15 £20-45 £30-45 £40-60+
M Falls No: 10 £2-3 £3-6 £12-20 £25-45 £35-50 £40-75+
VBM No: 9 £2-3 £3-6 £12-18 £25-48 £35-55 £40-75+
VBM No: 10 £2-3 £5-8 £15-20 £35-55 £45-65 £40-85+
Note: Prices for refurbished planes depends on the work carried out not only to the enhance the look but also optimising their performance.
Part of the reason for doing this list is to give customers a better idea of base prices and the true values of of planes by their condition. All to often it seems, buyers on eBay etc pay way over the odds for what they are buying. All to often we see planes in average and below condition selling for prices that simply defies logic as they need so much work to get them right. Every good woodworker needs a good true smoothing plane that is set up correctly as this is what finishes off their work.
If there was ever a tool in a woodworkers Armour it has to be the best smoothing plane they can afford to minimise tear out and give a smooth finish on any piece of challenging timber. You simply do not get the best finish with an average or poorly restored plane and therefore should only consider them for cheap parts.